If we truly believe that God is omniscient, omnipotent and all loving, we should also believe that God’s commands are there to protect us such that every person can live to the fullest without the expense of another. God’s commands are the standards of good living and of holiness.
Holiness is living in accordance to God’s will for us; being like Jesus.
The Bible’s stand on the matter is very clear: Homosexual sexual activity and romantic relationships are not in-line with mankind’s design by God and are sinful.
These are not the only sexual sins in the Bible. Along with it are adultery, incest, necrophilia, bestiality, etc.
The message from the Church to all who are tempted sexually ought to be the same message as the one which is sent to people tempted in any other area: come out from your seclusion, come home to holiness – to the design and intention of God.
Preparing The Home Of Holiness
As we call the world to come back to God and to become His disciples through the Church, the Church needs to be well-prepared to welcome and nurture. Ill treatment of anyone (regardless of struggles and shortcomings) should not be acceptable in Church.
For a long period of time, the Church has failed to appropriately love and protect people tempted with or engaging in homosexual activity. It is important that the Church humbles itself and begins the work of reconciliation, becoming a true refuge for all humanity’s brokenness and imperfection.