‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
— Matthew 22:37-40
Many Christians can recite these verses, even from memory. But do we truly grasp their deeper meaning? For instance, what did Jesus mean when He instructed us to “be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16)?
Today, Christians face challenges that test their faith as God continues to refine us, shaping us to reflect His nature—enabling us to love the world as He does while remaining faithful witnesses to the Gospel.
This collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is designed to help the Church better understand and address one of the most debated topics since the late 20th century: homosexuality. Unlike other similar works, this guide prioritizes a central reminder—the Church’s role as God’s representative.
The FAQ begins with a section on sexuality, moves into a discussion of the biblical perspective on homosexuality, and concludes with responses to common questions raised by non-Christians or Christians holding differing views.
While you are free to explore specific questions of interest, it is strongly recommended that you read the FAQ in chronological order for a clearer understanding, as the questions are interrelated and build upon one another.
Throughout this FAQ, you’ll find references to sources, presenting Bible-affirming sources and refuting revisionist sources. This approach aims to provide a researched position of the subject, maintaining a firm grounding in a biblical perspective.
Love Personified
Loving God means pursuing Him and obeying His commands (John 14:21). It also involves loving others, as God’s love for people is central to His nature, and this is integral to the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40). Yet, there often seems to be tension between loving God and loving people—or could it be that we’ve misunderstood what true love entails?
Love is not harsh, love is not blind acceptance, love is definitely not proud.
Love is clothed in humility and wants the best for the loved one.
We must reclaim a true understanding of what “love” means, both in words and actions. The ongoing conversation about homosexuality and the Church serves as a call for the Church to come together and center on what truly matters—being a faithful and loving representation of God to the world.